View from GAEDA office in Downtown Alexandria

How to Apply

The Application process can be started by clicking the “Apply Online” below. Once the application has been submitted, supporting documentation may be delivered to the GAEDA office by one of the following methods:

Applications without supporting documentation will not be considered!

The purpose of GAEDA’s Grant Program is to (i) promote economic development through tourism activities and events (“Events”) within the corporate limits of the City of Alexandria, Louisiana that will increase hotel/motel occupancy; (ii) to enhance the image of Greater Alexandria and its communities; and (iii) to improve the quality of life by helping Events become established and self-supporting.
Events are eligible for funding through the Grant Program. Events should have a history of, or significant potential for, attracting out-of-parish visitors, either as participants or spectators, thereby generating hotel or motel room overnight occupancy. Events resulting in the occupancy of 100 or more hotel/motel rooms in Alexandria and generating national or state wide exposure for Alexandria will receive priority consideration. Please click here to learn more.

Grant Application

Grant applications must be filled out online through the “Apply Online” link. Once the application has been submitted, supporting documentation may be uploaded through the form below or one of the methods listed above.


* Please contact the GAEDA office for more information (318) 880-0407*

Supporting Documents

**All supported documents are required to complete the application process. Applications without these documents will not be considered. Please submit completed supporting documents through the designated form.

Submit Documents

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 4 files.