Intergovernmental Agreements

GAEDA is a driving force in helping to spur economic growth for the citizens of Alexandria, LA.

An intergovernmental agreement (IGA) is any agreement that involves or is made between two or more governmental agencies (?) in cooperation to solve problems of mutual concern. Intergovernmental agreements can be made between or among a broad range of governmental or quasi-governmental entities. Governments use IGAs for cooperative planning, development review, resource sharing, joint planning commissions, building inspection services, and more.

Your proposal should take the following form:

Intergovernmental Agreement

*Request should be sent to Angela Varnado. Acting Executive Director at

Project Proposals/Letter of Intent - Contact Sheet

Legal name of the recipient

  • Individual who is authorized to sign the Cooperative Endeavor Agreement on behalf of the entity.
  • Contact person, if different than the authorized person, who can answer any questions in relation to the information submitted in the Cooperative Endeavor Agreement
  • Telephone number, fax number and email address of the entity and/or contact person.
  • Federal Tax Identification Number
  • Physical as well as mailing address
  • Parish in which the entity is physically located.
  • Legal status of the entity
Purpose and scope

This should include the rationale, objectives, and benefits of the joint planning effort, as well as the geographic area, time frame, and subject matter covered by the agreement. The purpose and scope should also define the legal authority and validity of the agreement, and the relationship between the IGA and other existing or known future plans and policies.

Roles and responsibilities

This should include a detailed description of the roles and responsibilities of each party involved in the agreement. The names and contact information of the representatives, the decision-making process and authority, the communication and coordination mechanisms, and the division of tasks and resources. The roles and responsibilities should also specify the rights and obligations of each party, such as the ability to withdraw, modify, or terminate the agreement, or the liability and dispute resolution procedures.

Work plan and budget

Develop a realistic and feasible work plan and budget for the joint planning effort. This should include the scope of work, the deliverables and outcomes, the timeline and milestones, the performance indicators and evaluation methods, and the cost estimates and funding sources. The work plan and budget should also include the contingency plans and risk management strategies, as well as the reporting and accountability requirements.

Public participation and engagement

Submit a comprehensive and inclusive public participation and engagement strategy for the joint planning effort. This should include the identification of the stakeholders and their interests, the methods and tools for informing, consulting, and involving them, and the feedback and response mechanisms. The public participation and engagement strategy should also include the evaluation and documentation of the results and impacts of the public input, as well as the recognition and appreciation of the contributions.

Public participation and engagement

Submit a comprehensive and inclusive public participation and engagement strategy for the joint planning effort. This should include the identification of the stakeholders and their interests, the methods and tools for informing, consulting, and involving them, and the feedback and response mechanisms. The public participation and engagement strategy should also include the evaluation and documentation of the results and impacts of the public input, as well as the recognition and appreciation of the contributions.

Implementation and monitoring

Submit a clear and effective implementation and monitoring plan for the joint effort. This should include the identification of the responsible parties, the actions and timelines, the resources and support, and the coordination and communication channels. The implementation and monitoring plan should also include the review and update mechanisms, the compliance and enforcement measures, and the reporting and feedback systems.

Review and renewal

Identify a regular and systematic review and renewal process for the joint planning effort. This should include the criteria and frequency for evaluating the progress, performance, and outcomes of the agreement, as well as the opportunities and challenges for improvement. The review and renewal process should also include the consultation and negotiation procedures for revising or renewing the agreement, as well as the termination or expiration clauses.

Any additional information you wish to have considered.

This is a space to share examples, stories, or insights that don’t fit into any of the previous sections. What else would you like to add?